Though much has changed at A.C.T. since this iconic photo was taken over 50 years ago, its sentiment still rings as true as the day it was captured: “A.C.T. is here to stay.” Since opening the Geary Theater in 1967, the organization has faced adversity with unwavering tenacity and nimbleness, all thanks to the steadfast support of donors like you, who have been there with us every step of the way. When, in 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake rocked the Bay Area, and with its quakes ripped a gaping hole in the ceiling, our incredible community rallied together to see A.C.T. through to the other side. The Geary Theater was forced to close for six years while undergoing repairs, but the shows carried on. During this time, A.C.T. reimagined what it meant to bring theater to its patrons, performing in seven different venues across the Bay until the Geary Theater was able to reopen in 1996.
In March 2020, the pandemic tested A.C.T.’s ability to remain creative even under the most unprecedented of circumstances. Not unlike 1989, A.C.T. found itself again unable to host gatherings in our beloved theaters. This time, however, we were unable to gather together anywhere at all. With the help of technology and a deeply embedded spirit of resiliency, we redirected our mission-driven programming online, blazing a trail with our early live video theater Zoom productions, continuing our educational outreach and artist training, and commissioning and supporting playwrights and other theater artists to make new work. While nothing will ever replace the power and joy of live performances and in-person programming, it’s been a sincere honor to have been able to stay connected with you even while we’ve had to remain physically apart.
We are tremendously grateful for you. Your donation had an enormous impact on the organization during the last two years, and we invite you to view our new Donor Impact Guide by clicking below to see the many, many programs and partnerships your gift directly fueled. Throughout A.C.T.’s history, there’s been one common thread marking our ability to survive challenging times: we have not done it alone. You invested in us during a year unlike any other. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s because of you that “A.C.T. is here to stay!”
View Program Highlights for 2021